Book Review – Pocket Mentor: The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Building a Lasting Business From Scratch by Mark Nureddine

Pocket mentorIn this book Mark Nureddine serves as a business mentor to those who want to build their own business. He describes a mentor as,

An experienced person who delivers knowledge and advice, as well as providing guidance, motivation and emotional support to a mentee.

Mark is the owner of Bull Outdoor Products which provides grills, kitchen islands and grilling components to dealers and distributors and he writes that when he was starting his business in his twenties he had no mentor. So he states that:

In Pocket Mentor, I share my personal knowledge, skills and experiences with you. I share the real-time highs and lows of running a business. I’ll give you some straight talk that’s designed to help get up and running.

He starts out in the book writing about his own entrepreneurial experience and highlighting some of the lessons he learnt as he mowed lawns for cash when he was young, ran paper routes, moved towards being self-employed as an adult, started a graphic design company which didn’t work out and then started a successful grilling related business. In doing all this, Mark learnt some key lessons about business. They include: Continue reading