Book Review – 12 Business That People Can Start Online In One Day Or Less by Brian Koz & Shawn Casey

The aim of this book is to introduce us to businesses we can start quickly without expending much money. Notice it says that start and not make money from, because that will definitely require more effort than what is needed to start the business. Here is how Brian and Shawn introduce the book:

This book features some of the best online business ideas that can be implemented right away!  We want to bring you all these great ideas and all these awesome tips in one convenient book, as well as open you up to different ideas that you can easily implement in a short amount of time – whether it be to start a new business or add a new income stream to an existing one of yours.

Shawn and Brian say they’ve marketing online for a very long time and in this book they are sharing some of their experience with us. In addition to the book they also provide some free training resources in video format that can help to improve your business website. You can access the resources at the link stated below.

Now let’s review the chapters to see what these quick start businesses are. There are two parts which list business ideas we’ve thought of and those we probably have not thought of. Continue reading